The Atlantic blog: The last thing we see of Croatia
31 October 2015
1/11 Position: 42°40´84"N 18°00´14"E
We chug on towards Dubrovnik, headwind all day but we could avoid testing the sails. 10 knots in the cross, not bad! Wind and temperature are incredibly changing during the day, we start with a sail rack and 6-7 second wind but unfortunately have to go for the engine when the wind drops, however, the shirts go forward!
We passed Korcula town in the morning, a real gem in the southern part of the archipelago. The old town is located on a peninsula surrounded by a wall that has recently been lowered to allow the outdoor cafes to have a view of the beach. If you are passing by, I can recommend a bar visit in one of the old brick towers that are still standing. The beer is purchased at the bottom of the tower and must be balanced two floors up to reach a fantastic view of the city. Marco Polo is also said to have been born here!
There is a thumping sound throughout the hull, what is it? Fredrik thinks we have hit something so we turn around and see what it could possibly be. It turns out to be a large stick floating just below the water surface that the helmsman misses. We have to dive down and take a look later to see if we have any damage to the hull. Hopefully the propeller survived.
We dock in Dubrovnik just as the sun sets behind the mountains. Tomorrow morning we go shopping and then it's off to Italy!
(Photo by: Mathias Edberg)